Kaleigh Gorka
Kaleigh Gorka
actor, singer, dancer
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"First and foremost is a seething portrait of Sandy’s female foil (...) brought to life in spectacular fashion by Kaleigh Gorka (...) thanks to Gorka’s performance, Rizzo is also vulnerable and sympathetic. Her final solo is a showstopper that earned some of the most enthusiastic applause of the night, and a big round of applause for Gorka when the cast took their bows."
"Gorka embodies the wild child teenager doing everything she can to rebel against her strict preacher daddy who has the whole town in his grip, and her own pain. Her delivery of ‘Holding out for a Hero’ is a showstopper."
A special nod should go to Kaleigh Gorka and Anna Hurshman as Urleen and Wendy Jo. They are excellent as Rusty’s sidekicks, and the three sing very well together in “Somebody’s Eyes”.
Both actors, newcomers to the Mayfield stage, have great rock pipes, and conjure complementary airs of innocence in a tarnished demi-monde
"Gorka has a powerful soprano voice with just a soupçon of tremolo that viscerally impacts on every listener. Coupled with an expressively mobile face that’s also traffic-stopping pretty, she is a perfect casting choice."
“Kaleigh Gorka’s Columbia is adamant, expressive, and a rollercoaster of emotion”
"Gorka shines in a hilarious sendup of bad summer stock, A Summer In Ohio, and moves from despair and heartbreak at the beginning of the show to excitedly optimistic at the end"
"“Kiss Me”, sung by Kaleigh Gorka and Amir Haidar, is one of the prettiest duets I’ve heard in a long time. I couldn’t help but be drawn in by the palpable, nervous, lovely energy between the two of them in the scene surrounding the song. Their storyline was the one that felt the strongest to me."
“The action circles around small-town girl Sherrie (played with the right touch of vulnerability and grit by Kaleigh Gorka) “
"Kaleigh Gorka as the latter is a revelation."
... wife Mary Delgado ([played by] a tough-as-nails Kaleigh Gorka). My heart broke for frankie and mary in two places…
"Kaleigh Gorka is perfectly petulant as Anne's nemesis Josie Pye, who fights for Gilbert's affections."
“Supporting cast standouts include (...) the sultry-turned-sour Kaleigh Gorka”